Unordered lists in steps

I am having a difficult time mapping unordered lists in steps. I created aliases for my bullet tags. Here's the groups:

BulletItem<$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet1" : "BulletItem")>
BulletItem2<$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet2" : "BulletItem2")>
BulletItem3<$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet3" : "BulletItem3")>


TaskBullet=info ul li
TaskBullet2=info $list li ul li
TaskBullet3=info $list li $list li ul li

I also tried using DITATag and DITAParent markers.

FYI: I am using DITA 1.2 content models for , ,and


ol in steps

Your first section is missing equal signs, but we can't tell if it is really that way in your .ini. Perhaps yu meant something like:

BulletItem = <$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet1" : "BulletItem")>
BulletItem2 = <$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet2" : "BulletItem2")>
BulletItem3 = <$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet3" : "BulletItem3")>

Also, when you typed:

FYI: I am using DITA 1.2 content models for <concept>, <task>, and <map>

it came out as:

FYI: I am using DITA 1.2 content models for , ,and

Always use the entity &lt; for < in the forums.

Finally, "having a difficult time" is a little hard to diagnose. Exactly WHAT happens????

ol in steps

Thanks for the quick reply,

It was missing the equal signs. I totally missed that. My test file has two BulletItem2 para tags under the first level NumberItem para tag.

Now I am getting valid XML, but the first child of info is an ordered list, not unordered as it should be. The second bullet is an unordered list, but it is a child of the previous.

Here the current config file:

BulletItem=$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet1" : "BulletItem")>
BulletItem2=<$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet2" : "BulletItem2")>
BulletItem3=<$(($$_ditastart is "task") ? "TaskBullet3" : "BulletItem3")>


TaskBullet1=info ul li
TaskBullet2=info $list li ul li
TaskBullet3=info $list li $list li ul li


Thank you,

Stan Smith
Principal Technical Writer
iNetWriter, LLC

ol in steps

You said:

"My test file has two BulletItem2 para tags under the first level NumberItem para tag. Now I am getting valid XML, but the first child of info is an ordered list, not unordered as it should be. The second bullet is an unordered list, but it is a child of the previous."

Yes. That's what your [DITAParents] requires. You have "TaskBullet2=info $list li ul li", but there is nothing under info. So to satisfy that rule, we need to add a member of $list, which has ol and ul. We choose the first in alphabetic order, which is ol, and add the li, but do not skip a level by adding another ul/li. For the second one, we can satisfy the rule by nesting a ul/li under the ol/li, just like you instructed, so we do.

You would get what you want if they were both TaskBullet1 instead of 2.

BTW, your first item under [DITAAliases] is still missing its <.