I've had problems with the DCL console stopping so I re-installed Mif2Go. I have a 64 bit machine and am unclear on the dll and executable files. If I put them into SysW0W64 then I get no response when I "Save using Mif2Go" in FrameMaker, and if I put them into the System 32 folder, I get the following message:
"Mif2Go failed for file: C:\CLRMRev2012\Phase09\Phase09_Export\P9_v8_1.htm
type 1, code 2, at: Mon Nov 12 09:07:41 2012
Could not run DCL filter or other program.
File not found."
What am I doing wrong?
Executable locations
With the new setup, you do not put any files in \windows at all. The executables are instead in %omsyshome%\common\bin when you install, and that is where they stay. Remove any from \windows, both system32 and syswow64. This is explained in the User's Guide in par. 1.3.4, "Make Omni Systems executables accessible". You really do need to follow the installation instructions; don't guess!!!
The only ones you need to move elsewhere are the two in %omsyshome%\m2g\plugin, which go in your frame\fminit\Plugins directory (for every version of Frame you are running).