Multi-file FM Books to Word

How does mif2go migrate multi-file Framemaker books to Word?
Since Word really doesn't have a concept of a book file (master and sub-documents in Word are not recommended formats and considered harmful), what's the best way to migrate a multi-chapter multi-page FM book. Typically, our FM books consist of single FM files for the title page, ToC, List of figures, list of tables, chapters, and appendices, and index. If each of these FM files converts to their respective RTF files, do these get combined somehow into a single file to import into Word?

I guess I could just try it, but suggestions from those who have done this would be appreciated.

Migration to Word

It's a Very Bad Idea to even think of making a single Word file from an FM book. Please read the User's Guide, par. 6.4, "Converting a FrameMaker book to print RTF". We do one Word file per chapter for real good reasons.