Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

30 Working with templates > 30.6 Creating your own configuration templates

30.6 Creating your own configuration templates

Besides using the configuration templates supplied with your Mif2Go distribution, you can create templates of your own to insert additional or alternate settings anywhere in the chains of templates that such settings are valid.

In this section:

§30.6.1 Creating a template from a project configuration file

§30.6.2 Deciding what to include in a general configuration template

§30.6.3 Chaining configuration templates

See also:

§4.1 Working with Mif2Go configuration files

§30.2 Referencing configuration files and templates

§33.1 Using a different configuration for selected files

30 Working with templates > 30.6 Creating your own configuration templates