Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.3 Extracting files > 18.3.2 Delimiting material to extract > Using existing paragraph formats to delimit extracts Using existing paragraph formats to delimit extracts

To use paragraph formats that are already in place to mark the start and end points of material to extract, assign [HTMLParaStyles] extract properties to those paragraph formats. For example:


; doc format (para or char) = keywords for functions and properties

; ExtrStart begins an extract.

; ExtrFinish is the last part of the extract.

; ExtrEnd ends the extract, but is not part of the extract itself



To extract a single paragraph, assign both ExtrStart and ExtrFinish to the paragraph format.

ExtrFinish and ExtrEnd are alternate ways to end an extract. You do not have to use both, but doing so is harmless. If you do not use one or the other, the extract ends gracefully at the next split point, or at the end of the file.

Note:  For any of these settings to take effect, you must enable extracts; see §18.3.1 Enabling and disabling extract processing.

For examples, see §18.7.4 Specifying extracts: an example.

18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.3 Extracting files > 18.3.2 Delimiting material to extract > Using existing paragraph formats to delimit extracts