Omitting and restoring graphics production
If you have already converted (or provided replacements for) the graphics in your document, you might save processing time by choosing Do not write graphics files in the Mif2Go Export dialog. However, this choice has no effect if your configuration file specifies Mif2Go native graphics processing, such as for WinHelp output. Only production of graphics using FrameMaker export filters is omitted.
• the actual production of graphics files
• the way those files are referenced in the output.
If you choose Do not write graphics files the first time you run a conversion, Mif2Go creates references based on file names that would have been assigned to graphics files produced using FrameMaker export filters, but without actually producing any graphics.
When you choose Do not write graphics files for a subsequent conversion run, Mif2Go checks the settings in the configuration file, and creates references based on the more recently used of the two graphics production methods.
If you add or change any graphics in your document after you have run the conversion with Do not write graphics files checked, and you have not specified external replacement files for the graphics (see §31.3 Replacing and relocating graphics files), you must choose one of the other two options.
If you do not remember which option you chose when you first ran the conversion, look in the [Graphics] section of the configuration file for the UseGraphicPreviews setting:
> 3 Converting a book or document > 3.7 Choosing final conversion options > 3.7.4 Figuring out graphics export options > Omitting and restoring graphics production