10.11.2 Referencing OmniHelp topic IDs from an application
To specify OmniHelp topic IDs to the browser, an application would make an exec file call with a file parameter that looks like one of the following:
where myproj is a concatenation of the values specified in configuration section [OmniHelpOptions] for keywords OHProjFilePrefix, ProjectName, and OHProjFileSuffix (the underscore is the default value for OHProjFilePrefix). See §10.3 Setting up an OmniHelp project.
The second form (using IDH_contextID) is preferable, because it works even if the topic file name changes. Also, the second form provides a way for a WinHelp system to link to a specific topic in an OmniHelp system. The WinHelp project would not have to be recompiled if file names changed in the OmniHelp project.
> 10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.11 Setting up CSH for OmniHelp > 10.11.2 Referencing OmniHelp topic IDs from an application