Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

20 Providing navigation in HTML > 20.2 Generating trails of links > 20.2.4 Specifying heading levels for trails of links

20.2.4 Specifying heading levels for trails of links

You can specify the range of heading levels to include in trails of links. The following settings determine the level at which each trail starts and the lowest level where it can end. If headings at a given level are missing from a FrameMaker file, that level is skipped when trails are constructed.


; Trail*Level = heading level number



Normally you would not want trails displayed for headings that do not start new HTML pages, so you would set TrailLastLevel to the lowest heading level that actually does start a new page.

You can use the [TrailLevels] section to assign a level in the trail to each heading paragraph format. Absent this section, Mif2Go uses the levels specified in [HelpContentsLevels]. For example:


; paraformat = level, from 1 to 9, or 0 to exclude from trails





To exclude a heading format from the trail, you can assign level 0 to that format.

To include a non-heading format as the current (last) item at any level in the trail, you can assign level 9 to that format. For example, if you assign the [HTMLParaStyles]Trail property to a paragraph format such as a figure caption that is not part of the hierarchy of headings, and can therefore appear at any level, assign level 9 to that format.

20 Providing navigation in HTML > 20.2 Generating trails of links > 20.2.4 Specifying heading levels for trails of links