Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

A WAI marker library for HTML > A.1 How to use WAI markers

A.1 How to use WAI markers

Marker text is limited to 256 characters. If you need more, you can insert another marker of the same type in the same paragraph, and continue the text; Mif2Go concatenates the text in successive markers of the same type. Empty markers are ignored by Mif2Go.

If you are using the FrameMaker version of this material (, make sure you have View > Text Symbols checked so you can see the marker symbols. You can copy and paste these markers into your own documents as needed; when you paste, the Marker Type is automatically added to your document’s list of available types.

A WAI marker library for HTML > A.1 How to use WAI markers