Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

26 Identifying HTML table structure for WAI > 26.1 Identifying table rows and columns > 26.1.2 Comparing scope and id/headers accessibility methods

26.1.2 Comparing scope and id/headers accessibility methods

scope method

The scope method works well for simple tables. Mif2Go places a single attribute in each column-header or row-header cell, to apply that header to the rest of the cells in the same column or row.

id / headers method

The id/headers method is better for complex tables. Mif2Go names each header cell (gives it an id=name attribute) and also indicates that cell’s applicability by specifying the headers=name attribute in every affected cell.

Both methods

For some table structures it can also make sense to mix methods, such as using the id/headers method for columns and the scope method for rows.

26 Identifying HTML table structure for WAI > 26.1 Identifying table rows and columns > 26.1.2 Comparing scope and id/headers accessibility methods