Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go


19 Creating HTML links > 19.6 Linking to other files and other Mif2Go projects > 19.6.2 Retaining file paths in interfile links

19.6.2 Retaining file paths in interfile links

By default, Mif2Go removes paths from interfile links in your FrameMaker files. If your HTML files will be maintained in a directory structure identical to the structure used for the FrameMaker files from which they are generated, you must direct Mif2Go to retain the paths in all interfile links, and then move the output files after conversion.

To retain file paths in interfile links:


; RemoveFilePaths = Yes (default, strip hyperlink and xref paths)

;  or No

RemoveFilePaths = No

When RemoveFilePaths=Yes (the default), Mif2Go places all HTML files in the project directory, regardless of where the originating FrameMaker files are located. Links work as created, regardless of the original directory structure. A problem arises only if both of the following are true:

Your FrameMaker files are in a non-flat directory structure (some FrameMaker files are in different directories).

You move the resulting HTML files to an identical directory structure. 

Note:  You might still get link errors (see §5.1.5 Checking for broken links in HTML or XML output) for links between FrameMaker files, especially if you are using the CodeStore property (see §28.9.3 Surrounding or replacing text with code or macros); however, the links should work.

When RemoveFilePaths=No, you must place HTML output files in a directory structure on the target system that is identical to your FrameMaker directory structure. This means that after conversion, you must move HTML files from the project directory to other directories that correspond in name and relative position to the directories where the FrameMaker files are located. You can do this with system commands; see §34.4 Executing operating-system commands.

19 Creating HTML links > 19.6 Linking to other files and other Mif2Go projects > 19.6.2 Retaining file paths in interfile links