Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

27 Marking HTML table cells for WAI > 27.3 Using the id/headers method to identify table cells > 27.3.3 Grouping header cells for identification

27.3.3 Grouping header cells for identification

Use the following settings to specify whether header cells should be grouped. These settings work in concert with ColGroup and RowGroup cells: header cells that are assigned [HTMLParaStyles] property ColGroup or RowGroup, described in §26.2.2 Using paragraph formats for table-cell attributes; or that contain marker type CellGroup, described in §26.2.4 Assigning table-cell attribute values with custom markers.


; ColGroupHead is "group" by default; it is used in the id attrs of

; header cells containing a para format with [HTMLParaStyles]ColGroup.


; RowGroupHead is "group" by default; it is used in the id attrs of

; left cells containing a para format with [HTMLParaStyles]RowGroup.

; If ColGroup is used, first ID numerically follows last ColGroup ID.


; ColGroupIDs = No (default)

; or Yes (to use id="groupN" in col head cells identified

; as ColGroup via [HTMLParaStyles] or the CellGroup marker col.)


; RowGroupIDs = No (default)

; or Yes (to use id="groupN" in row head cells identified

; as RowGroup via [HTMLParaStyles] or the CellGroup marker row.)


Column-group and row-group identifiers

The values you specify for ColGroupHead and RowGroupHead are the names Mif2Go uses for column-group and row-group identifiers. For example, if you specify ColGroupHead=gname, every ColGroup cell gets attribute id="gnameN". If you do not specify values for ColGroupHead and RowGroupHead, Mif2Go uses the default name, group, for both; and numbers the row groups starting where the column-group numbers end.

Column groups

When you specify ColGroupIDs=Yes, Mif2Go generates the following identifiers:


for each ColGroup cell (header cell that contains either a paragraph designated [HTMLParaStyles] ColGroup, or a CellGroup marker with content col).


for each cell to the right of the id="groupN" cell until the next ColGroup cell;

for each cell below the id="groupN" cell;

for each cell below the headers="groupN" cells that are in the id=groupn row.

Specifying ColGroupIDs=Yes prevents assignment of a single-column ID to the id="groupN" cell, but does not prevent this assignment to the headers=groupN cells to the right of the id="groupN" cell. See §27.3.8 Identifying individual table cells by row and column for information about specifying IDs for individual columns. See also §27.5.1 Understanding how the ColGroup property works.

Row groups

When you specify RowGroupIDs=Yes, Mif2Go generates the following identifiers:


for each RowGroup cell (header cell that contains either a paragraph designated [HTMLParaStyles] RowGroup, or a CellGroup marker with content row) and that does not have a column ID.


for each cell below the id="groupN" cell until the next RowGroup cell;

for each cell to the right of the id="groupN" cell;

for each cell to the right of the headers="groupN" cells that are in the id="groupN" column.

Specifying RowGroupIDs=Yes prevents assignment of a row ID to the RowGroup cell, but does not prevent this assignment to the headers="groupN" cells below the id="groupN" cell. See §27.3.8 Identifying individual table cells by row and column for information about specifying IDs for individual rows. See also §27.5.2 Understanding how the RowGroup property works.

27 Marking HTML table cells for WAI > 27.3 Using the id/headers method to identify table cells > 27.3.3 Grouping header cells for identification