Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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17 Converting to DocBook XML > 17.2 Setting up a DocBook XML project > 17.2.3 Specifying DocBook output options > Specifying book file options Specifying book file options

By default, Mif2Go writes a DocBook book file for the FrameMaker book, with the DocBook chapter files included as entity references.

To omit the book file:


; WriteBookFile = Yes (default, write one file for Frame book) or No

;  Sets UseDOCTYPE and UseXMLRoot to No for the chapter entity files.

WriteBookFile = No

See §17.3.2 Configuring entity information for DocBook XML.

To specify the name of the DocBook book file and title of the book:


; BookFileName = name to use for book file, with ext, default is

; Frame book file name with extension .xml

BookFileName = YourBookFileName.xml

; BookFileTitle = text of title for book, default is literally

;  Your Book Title

BookFileTitle = Your Book Title

17 Converting to DocBook XML > 17.2 Setting up a DocBook XML project > 17.2.3 Specifying DocBook output options > Specifying book file options