Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.7 Choosing the kind of change to make > Copying a section or setting to another configuration file Copying a section or setting to another configuration file

You can copy sections between files, and you can copy settings between instances of the same section in different files. Under COPY existing item on the Configuration Manager Action page, choose one of the following: 

Copy section between files

Insert a full copy of the designated section in another file, even if that section does not exist in the “from” file.

Copy setting between files

Copy one setting from a section you select to an instance of the same section in another file. If the section is not already present in the destination file, the Configuration Manager creates it there before copying the setting.

Click Apply action; the Configuration manager switches to the Section page, the Setting page, or the .ini file page, depending on the action and the available sections or settings.

4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.7 Choosing the kind of change to make > Copying a section or setting to another configuration file